Deformable models and geodesic methods for image analysis
ModellingTrack Santé


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Objectif du cours

A large overview of methods and algorithms of deformable models for image segmentation, illustrated by concrete applications

Presentation : here

Organisation des séances

  • About half on deformable models and half on geodesic methods.
  • 9 sessions of 3 hours, including 3 with 2 hours lab

Mode de validation



–      Finite element methods for active contour models and balloons for 2D and 3D images. Laurent D. Cohen and Isaac Cohen. IEEE Trans. on PAMI-15(11), November 1993.

–       Minimal Paths and Fast Marching Methods for Image Analysis. , Laurent D. Cohen, In Mathematical Models in Computer Vision: The Handbook, Springer 2005.

–       Geodesic Methods in Computer Vision and Graphics, Gabriel Peyré, Mickaël Péchaud, Renaud Keriven and Laurent D. Cohen, Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision 5, 3-4 (2010) 197-397 (book of 200 pages).

–       Tubular Structure Segmentation Based on Minimal Path Method and Anisotropic Enhancement. F. Benmansour and L. D. Cohen, In IJCV, April 2011, Volume 92, Number 2, Pages 192-210

More information…

Thèmes abordés

  • Variational Methods and Partial Differential Equations
  • Numerical Methods, Algorithmics, and Industrial applications
  • Curve and Surface Segmentation by Elastic Deformable Models, Active Contours, Deformable Surfaces, Balloon Model
  • Finite Differences, finite elements, level sets, front competition
  • Active Region, Shape Prior
  • Minimal Paths and Geodesics
  • Eikonal Equation, front propagation and Fast Marching
  • Various metrics: 2D, 3D, surface, anisotropic, space+radius
  • Geodesic remeshing of domains and surfaces
  • Applications: surface segmentation, vessel segmentation, virtual endoscopy, extraction of tubular and tree structure…
  • Testing and implementation of algorithms in Matlab
Les intervenants

Laurent COHEN

CNRS et Université Paris-Dauphine PSL

Gabriel PEYRE

CNRS et Université Paris-Dauphine PSL

voir les autres cours du 2nd semestre