Deep learning for medical imaging
Deep LearningLearningTrack Santé


The students are expected to have a background in statistics, computer programming (Python) as well as some basic knowledge of deep learning.

Objectif du cours

Medical imaging technologies provide unparalleled means to study structure and function of the human body in vivo. Interpretation of medical images is difficult due to the need to take into account three-dimensional, time-varying information from multiple types of medical images. Artificial intelligence (AI) holds great promises for assisting in the interpretation and medical imaging is one of the areas where AI is expected to lead to the most important successes. In the past years, deep learning technologies have led to impressive advances in medical image processing and interpretation.
This course covers both theoretical and practical aspects of deep learning for medical imaging. It covers the main tasks involved in medical image analysis (classification, segmentation, registration, generative models…) for which state-of-the-art deep learning techniques are presented, alongside some more traditional image processing and machine learning approaches. Examples of different types of medical imaging applications (brain, cardiac…) will also be provided.

Presentation : here

Organisation des séances

  • Place: CentraleSupelec
  • 9x 3h (either 3h lecture or 1h30 lecture/1h30 lab)
  • Usage of a personal laptop is encouraged for practical sessions

Mode de validation

Article presentation and project


Books: I. Goodfellow, Y. Bengio, and A. Courville, Deep Learning, 2016.
Datasets: There are plenty of public datasets for medical imaging. Some curated lists can be found at :,
Software tools: pyTorch, TensorFlow
Related conferences: MICCAI (Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention), IPMI (Information Processing in Medical Imaging), ISBI (International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging), MIDL (Medical Imaging with Deep Learning)
We expect that by the end of the course, the students will:
– have knowledge of state-of-the-art deep learning techniques for medical imaging
– have a deeper understanding of deep learning methods, applicable not only to medical images but also other types of data
– know how to build and validate deep learning models for medical images

Thèmes abordés

  • Introduction to medical imaging
  • Classification
  • Detection
  • Segmentation
  • Registration
  • Denoising and reconstruction
  • Generative models (autoencoders, GANs)
  • Validation, interpretation and reproducibility
Les intervenants



voir les autres cours du 2nd semestre