Audio signal Analysis, Indexing and Transformations
G. RICHARD (Télécom Paris), R.BADEAU (Télécom Paris)
ModellingSignal processing


Basics of signal processing..

Objectif du cours

The aim of this course is to span several domains of audio signal analysis including audio indexing (or machine listening), high-resolution audio spectral analysis, audio source separation, and audio transformations (3D sound rendering, sound effects and sound modifications).

Presentation : here

Organisation des séances


  • 13,5 h theoretical lectures
  • 10,5 h practical sessions (TP) in Matlab (or Python if preferred)
  • Lectures are planned to be in French but slides will be in English


Mode de validation

Papers reading/analysis with written report and oral presentation.


  • Y. Grenier, R. Badeau, G. Richard « Polycopiés de cours sur le traitement du signal audio (in French) », Télécom ParisTech.
  • M. Mueller, D. Ellis, A. Klapuri, G. Richard, Signal Processing for Music Analysis », IEEE Journ. on Selected Topics in Sig. Proc., October 2011..

Plus d’information…

Thèmes abordés

  • Audio Indexing (machine Listening): audio signal analysis for content-based information retrieval  (automatic music genre recognition, automatic musical instrument identification, tempo or downbeat estimation,…).
  • Audio Transformations (3D rendering, sound effects, sound modifications): Physical and perceptual approaches (binaural/transaural techniques, head-related transfer functions, wave field synthesis,..). Digital sound effects (flanger, phaser, distortion, artificial reverberation,..). Timbral, scale and pitch modifications.
  • Audio Source Separation: Audio demixing, linear and convolutive mixing models, underdetermined models, sparse models, DUET.
  • High resolution audio spectral analysis: Sinusoidal models, beyond Fourier analysis, spectral MUSIC, ESPRIT
Les intervenants

Gaël Richard

(Télécom Paris)

Roland Badeau

(Télécom Paris)

voir les autres cours du 2nd semestre